Sign Up
Sign Up
Signing up as a member is easy.
If you would like to sign up right now using a card, simple click on the amount that you would like to give every month, and you will be transfered to Pay Pal to input your card information. Your membership will be with the WCTC and the Community LIFE Network. At anytime you can contact us to cancel or change your membership contribution.
If your not ready to commit to official membership you are also welcome to give a one-time Donation or you can see one of the other methods of becoming a official member, feel free to look through the other pages of this membership site.
Click on the Amount to
Choose Your Monthly Contribution Level
You can choose any amount of contribution you would like. If you would like to give a different amount for your on-going automatic contribution, please learn how to do Bill Pay, or just Email or call us at (831) 429-9282 and we will help you set it up.
You can also choose any temporal cycle you would like as well. Some people give on a weekly, seasonal cycles etc... Just let us know and we can help you set it up the way you want.
World Collaborative for Transformative Community
Contact Us
P.O. Box 7909
Santa Cruz, CA 95061
(831) 429-9282